Tuesday, 20 August 2013


How much do we know how history and true culture of where we come from as Nigerians? How detailed do we know how lineage, and can we really say we a cultural identity as a person or as a Nation?
All these are burning question that needs to be answered. The answer to this question and many more rumbling in the mind of the people is ASIRI.
Literally it means “secret” in the three major tribes in Nigeria (Hausa,Ibo,Yoruba)
Asiri is more than an online magazine that exhumes the Historical culture, myths, way of life and legends of the great Nigerian people, re-enacting our rich history and values using different works of Art. Bringing back the tales, values and cultural benefits that is needed to lead and inspire a new generation.
It is an online art magazine that depicts the value and rich cultural heritage of the Yoruba’s, Ibos and Hausas and the numerous tribes that make up for our cultural diversity, as a whole. Asiri comes in three different media which are (the Online Magazine, Exhibitions, and Documentary)
The purpose of this Magazine is to educate, enlighten and re-introduce to the people the cultural heritage and way of life of the Nigeria people to the younger generation and rest of the world.
Damola Ogundele.
Below the pictures are the download links. Please read and enjoy.

Facebook:: www.facebook.com/AsiriMagazine


Hello guys, how are you all doing? Been a while you saw me. Just been busy with one thing or another, I celebrated my birthday 2 weeks Sunday ago and i must tell you growing up is not easy (lol) more responsibilities, you know what i mean but in a good way. I thank God for his mercies. 
Now then, to one of the reasons why am here, i would like to introduce our arts & culture segment, one of my wonderful brothers will be trying as much as possible to bring us some interesting facts about our culture and much more. 
Please do enjoy, and leave as much comments as possible as to what you think and all.
Thank you for your continued support.
God bless you all.
Cheerio, have a prosperous week.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013


Hello guys! How are you all doing? I have been itching to do this review (lol) but been waiting for testimonials because i sold a few of this products and am still selling.

Meet the wonderful T444Z. T444Z is a hair product developed by a London based hairdresser. It is mainly sold through agents. I heard a lot about it and decided to sell it through a sister from my church and i purchased one myself. She advised to use it on affected areas religiously everyday, i was very skeptical about  it because it was small and expensive but trust me it works wonders

I have been on their official website and there is nothing much about it, it's quite a plain one no fuss about it, there are testimonials and pictures to track how it improves the hair
I greatly recommend it to anyone but you have to be willing to spend some money. It is retailing from 15 pounds or more and it's absolutely perfect and fab for hair growth.

The ingredients are: Aloe, herbal extract, rose oil, chamomile, menthol, rosemary leaf extract, castor oil, peppermint, papaya extract, vitamin A, carrot extract, Shea butter, essential oils.

Have you used it or heard of anyone who has? Please leave a comment below, and if you are interested in buying send me an email to sleektouchhair@gmail.com. 
Photo credits: T444Z.

Monday, 5 August 2013


Hello fab dolls, hope you had a fantastic weekend? Mine was awesome. Thanks so much to my loyal clients for patronizing us

Today, I have an amazing hair review for you guys. I must say it has been quite hot this summer, i have found it a bit hard to wear my usual long extensions. I decided to look for something short and affordable because i wasn't planning to wear it for a long time,  I was glad when i came across this hair.

Are you looking for a good quality and affordable hair, to prevent you from the heatwave? Look no further, here's an answer for you. It also available in different brands. You can use it to achieve so many hairstyles, from bobs, to short cuts, to a deep side hair, I absolutely love it. I have used it on over 4 people in few weeks.

A source told me that it is also available in some Nigerian hair for my Naija dolls. It's retailing for about 10.99 to 13.99 depending on the colour.

I have used it on myself and on some clients. Below are some of the pictures of the end results, the curls last for up to 6 weeks, I don't regret using this hair. I will use it again and recommend it to any one.

she was well pleased.

It is also available in different  fun colours. You can also pin it on the side to get different styles to it

You too can try it for a change. Please leave any comments or questions.

Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful week.