Tuesday 15 January 2013


Before now, i was not keen on doing anything healthy to my hair, because its just too full and annoying but recently I've noticed some shedding and i thought i could do with a little healthy homemade mixtures. i was happy when i found out about a way to relax my hair without using any of the normal relaxers. I hate the feeling of a relaxer, because it burns my scalp and gives me headache.
I did some research and found out that coconut milk mixed with lemon juice relaxes the hair, when done on a regular basis. All thanks to Paula Begoun, author of "Don't Go Shopping for Hair Care Products Without Me. I gave it a try and i was happy with the results.
Follow me on the Journey. You can try it to

1 Can of coconut milk
1 fresh lemon
The Mxture.
squeeze out the fresh lemon and mix with the coconut milk. leave it in the fridge over night, it becomes thick and forms a paste
apply it all over your hair, cover your hair with a warm towel and put a shower cap over it and leave it for about 2-3 hours and get busy with something else. Wash off with a moisturizing shampoo and apply conditioner, rinse off and style as desired.
You can do this on a weekly basis to get your hair very straight and healthy.
The procedure. Before meets After.
Coconut Milk is very rich in protein, iron and essential fats, which helps the hair grow and keeps it healthy. It heals the scalp form dermatitis, it  stops shedding, stops breakage, boasts hair roots, it makes the hair soft and supple, it  reduces premature graying. It is a good conditioner because it penetrates well into the scalp.
Lemon juice helps make the hair straight , it treats dandruff and hair fall

Credits to www.typef.com


Anonymous said...

Cool stuff. Will It work on a relaxed hair?

Unknown said...

Thanks. My hair is relaxed and i did it, so u r fine.

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