Wednesday 10 July 2013


On a beautiful Sunday morning, i was in the van with the rest of my church members and Kaycee asked me how my Saturday was, i told him it was fine and ranted about how hot it was. Fast forward to the main story, Kaycee was like Dolapo did you go to the Bristol carnival I was like no. He said I performed and I was like don't lie. Of course he did. 
Kaycee and I sing in my church choir, I laugh at him all the time and joke about about him using the choir as a practice for his musical career. He made me listen to the song and I was like wow, you have to meet Ed Sheeran.
Meet Kaycee everyone. 
So Kaycee, Tell us about yourself and how music started for you ?
Am 26years old, just concluded my Masters Degree at the University of the West of England (UWE). I actually discovered that i knew how to sing at a late stage... Thanks to the UWE Gospel and Church Choir in Bristol, UK, which made me appreciate my voice tone... The band started with friends who play different musical instrument, while i do the song writing and singing. 
If you ask me i would say am a better song writer than singer .
Listen and watch his performance at the carnival. I promise you this dude is going places.
Yele- Keyboardist
Charlie- Guitarist

Connect with him on Facebook page @ Kaycee Music. Subscribe to his youtube channel. Kaycee- Sam
You can buy his song on iTunes and show him some love.

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